13 May 2022



Banquet Silent Auction

Brunch & Bingo Postponed

Dear Families,

Wow, you guys are amazing! We've always known this, but just wanted you to know. Thank you so much for your support this year and with the quick responses to our recent communications. Unfortunately, we are going to have to postpone the Brunch & Bingo. We decided it was just too much all at once for our families, and want it to be a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone. So, we thought it was best to postpone it until next season.

However, we thought it would be a great idea to continue with our Silent Auction baskets at the Annual Banquet as our last fundraiser for the season. Please check out our Sign-Up Genius Banquet Silent Auction Fundraiser and sign up today! If you haven't bought your tickets to the Banquet yet you can do that by following the link to our Ticket Spicket page OGBC Annual Banquet. Also, please RSVP to our Google Form here Banquet RSVP. The settings have been changed, so NO Google account is required to rsvp. Again, thank you for being so amazing and all of your patience and support. We appreciate you greatly! And as always, please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

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