04 June 2022



Thank You!

Dear Olympia Families,

WOW! What an amazing year this has been, and last nights banquet was the perfect ending to the 2021-2022 season. Celebrating these beautiful and talented athletes was so much fun and well deserved. The board and I can't thank you all enough for all of your support for not only your athlete, but for OGBC as well. We couldn't make any of this possible without you and your dedication and willingness to help whenever we ask. Last nights raffle baskets were a true testament to that. We asked and you all pitched in and helped us make 5 amazing prizes to win. They were so amazing that we raised $1035 for your athletes 2022-2023 season. Thank you so much!

I also want to thank the amazing board members. This year has been a learning year for all of us, figuring out how things run, what works and doesn't work, and most of all having fun while doing it. You all have been wonderful to work with this season. Your love and dedication for the athletes and OGA are appreciated more than you know. Each one of you bring a different perspective and such energy to the group, and I look forward to next season and all the amazing things that we will do together for the athletes and OGA. Thank you to all of you:

Vice President: Julia Kelley
Treasurer: Keith Jensen
Assistant Treasurer: Brandi Van Booven
Secretary: Angel Brookins
Communications: Dave Cafagna
Social Director: Jackie Ginste
Trustees: Jodie Holliday, Timothy Holt and Brad Kleinow

Again, thank you to all of our members. We look forward to working with you during the upcoming 2022-2023 season. Please watch for future communications regarding the Board Member Voting and our Annual Meeting. Have a wonderful weekend and a safe and happy summer!

Tiffanie Holt
OGBC President

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