13 October 2022



Dues Reminder

Just a reminder that all dues for the 2022-2023 competitive season are due by 10/15/2022.

If you have a balance on your account, you should be receiving emails with your statement attached in pdf form from "quickbooks@notification.intuit.com" titled "Statement from Olympia Gymnastics Booster Club". If you have not been receiving these emails, please check your email folders carefully to include the spam folder. The latest statements were sent on 10/2/2022 at approximately 3pm.

It is important that all dues are paid before the deadline of 10/15/2022 as we will be registering the gymnasts for competitions very soon and we will need to determine your gymnasts competition status for this season before we start paying meet fees for them.

In order to keep the amount of emails down, if you have already paid your account in full, you do not receive statements.

If you have not paid your dues in full and have not been receiving statements or for any questions or concerns regarding your account, please contact the OGBC Treasurer, Keith Jensen at kefjens@gmail.com.

Thank you,
OGBC Board

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